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About Us
About Us

A4P offer scientific project management solutions and consultancy for bioanalytical support within pre-clinical and clinical programs, and scientific logistics, with our customers objectives as our primary focus.

The bioanalytical project management have expertise in working with organisations from start up to established global entities, A4P offers a solution to ensure on-time, in budget and in compliance delivery of programs.

Our logistical team provide fully customised managed support for customers that is competitively priced. Our outstanding service will provide a single proactive point of contact for management of your logistical requirements.

Our History
Continued expansion of A4P team increasing headcount to over 40, launch of A4P Consulting Switzerland AG to serve EU customers
A4P team now over 30 employees with a growing range of expertise. Growth driven by expanded opportunities and expertise.
Projects for small & large pharma and biotech’s based in all global territories.Significant expansion in logistics offerings and materials transported locally in UK, in EU and globally. Significant growth in range of bioscience expertise and type of activities overseen
Fully operational with 4 founding owner directors Occupied offices at newly created Discovery Park in Sandwich UK. First contracts in cell therapy logistics and bioanalytical management
A4P formed on July 4th 2011 Transition from Pfizer, remain located in Sandwich, UK
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