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Laboratory / Vendor Evaluations
Laboratory/Vendor Evaluations

A4P provide comprehensive evaluations of vendors

A4P conduct detailed evaluations of bioanalytical and pathology laboratories and logistic providers to provide a detailed report for laboratory selection. We can recommend vendors for specific services based on customer stipulations.

Our regulatory, scientific, and business evaluations are based on A4P standard procedures, developed specifically to provide customer assurance when selecting final vendor choice.

Evaluations performed can be selected from a fully customisable service offering, allowing focus on the specific customer’s needs and requirements.

Evaluations may include but not be limited to:

  • Vendor’s relevant experience
  • GLP/GCP or other suitable regulatory accreditations review
  • Data Integrity
  • Quality Assurance
  • Training, expertise, and turnover of staff
  • Technical equipment assessment
  • Delivery of services
  • Company structure

A4P will provide an evaluation report for all vendors assessed, with detailed information of our findings and final recommendations to allow for ease of vendor selection.