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Route Analysis

A4P provides logistical support for clinical trials, including shipment of all trial provisions to ensure smooth progression.

An example of where A4P Logistics team can add value, is within the planned routing of packages to ensure timely delivery.

A4P were presented with a case where packages were significantly delayed at US customs. Following a full review of the customer requirements, A4P performed a full route analysis to reduce the time for package transit.

Route analysis is used to review all factors within a specific lane or route, in order to determine the most efficient options available.

The route undertaken for previous packages departed Shanghai Pudong International Airport and were destined to arrive at Tampa International Airport. The original route provided to the customer resulted in an average shipment time of 10 to 21 days. A4P were requested to reduce this time to allow predictability and manageable time scales.


A4P thoroughly assessed all aspects of routing and determined that switching the port of entry into the US would ensure faster and more predictable package delivery. This decision was based on the necessity for shipments to undergo customs clearance upon arrival in the US before proceeding to their final destinations. Recognising this bottleneck, it was determined that selecting a new entry point into the US would effectively mitigate delays.


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