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MEDICA 2022 - Leading International trade fair

A4P had the opportunity to be able to attend the MEDICA – Leading International trade fair on the 14th November to the 17th November 2022. The event was based in Dusseldorf, Germany and consisted of around 45,000 people within the industry being the largest health and life sciences tradeshow in the world. This event was attended by 3 directors – Scott Vincent, Carl Watson and Ian James.

Our booth within the event was placed within the the Hall 16 with a variety of other companies within the industry where we was able to connect with a wide-base of people.

Our CEO Ian James spoke within a video aired on the Kent International Business YouTube which he summed up the event as “being a good opportunity to meet a broad customer-base with an overall positive experience”.  Watch the full video here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tLG5StYW9o

Overall the experience was a great experience and allowed for us to meet / discover new companies within the industry. If you was at MEDICA and we didn’t get the chance to say hello please contact us to discuss any further business.